Grandmother whisks The Boy to a seaside hotel resort in Alabama to keep him away from the witches but just their luck, they arrive in the hotel at the same time as a big coven of witches, who are all led by the malicious and scary-looking Grand High Witch (Hathaway). In the 1960s, a young orphan boy goes to live with his grandmother who tells him about the existence of witches, after an incident with a strange woman at a store leaves him baffled and just a little scared.

Curious to know more about the film ‘The Witches’ and where to stream it? You’ve come to the right place! But the parents or adult viewers might be left a little bit disappointed as there is not much substance to the story. Zemeckis’ ‘The Witches’ is visually enchanting and has an engaging narrative (with narration by Chris Rock) and will keep the young audiences entertained, even thoroughly spooking them out. The story follows an unnamed orphan boy as he visits a seaside resort with his grandmother and gets caught up in the evil plans of a coven of witches. The 2020 ‘Witches’ stars Anne Hathaway as the menacing kid-hating leader of a coven of evil witches, Octavia Spencer as the kind and loving yet strong-willed Grandmother, and Stanley Tucci as the slightly snobbish and hilarious hotel manager Mr. The plot is inspired by Roald Dahl’s 1983 children’s horror novel of the same name.

Robert Zemeckis’ remake of the 1990 classic Halloween film ‘The Witches’ is as good as the original movie, if a little less scary.